Sunday, April 5, 2020

Week 2 Starts Tomorrow, and An Important Message from Mr. Trujillo

Hello Parents and Guardians!

Thank you for ALL of your help getting your kiddos started with online learning last week! This is definitely a team effort, and I appreciate your efforts in helping your kids get online, into their emails, and into our Google Classroom. I am hoping that we've ironed out some of the kinks, and that as the days go on, your child will become more and more independent in his/her work. 

My goal is to have very little for you parents to do because I know you're all very busy! 

The only new website your child will be accessing this week is Discovery Online for their science lesson. The login information is on the Online Learning board in our Google Classroom. 

The Online Learning board looks a little different this week. I organized the board by days rather than subjects. I'm hoping this will help students see exactly what needs to be done each day and I'm hoping it will make things a bit easier for everyone. 

There are Optional activities listed at the bottom of the learning board, so if your child is finishing quickly and would like more of a challenge, he/she can look there for instructions.

Please remember that we are expecting students to spend 60-90 minutes on academics each day. If an assignment is taking much longer than the suggested time that's listed on the learning board, please let me know so I have a better idea of how long these assignments are taking. If your child becomes frustrated or begins to cry, turn off the computer and walk away. Let me know so I can adjust things as needed. The most important thing for me is that none of this online learning negatively impacts family relationships. We are all under extra stress these days, and I don't want online learning to add to that stress for any of you. 

As a reminder, the third grade office hours are: M, W, F 9:00-11:00 and T, Th 2:00-4:00. I will be at my computer during those hours, ready to answer emails so you are guaranteed an answer if you email during those hours. However, I will be checking in throughout the day and will try to get back to you as quickly as possible. If you would find it helpful to have a Zoom conference at any time, I am happy to set one up, just let me know.

Lastly, Mr. Trujillo put together a great video to end our first week of online learning, and I'd love to have you watch it here. 

As always, email me with any questions, and let's make it a great week!
~Abbey Palte

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